The last few days have been weird
weather-wise. Its been so changeable- one minute warm sunshine and blue skies, the next torrential rain, then sunshine again 10 minutes later. I imagine this is what monsoon rain is like. I had just walked out the gate of my Mum's house yesterday when the heavens opened and within minutes the rough road was turned into a rushing stream. I had to shelter under a tree - going back to Mum's or carrying on home would have given me a thorough soaking. Can you see I caught our cat jumping the stream and running for home on my video camera!
I only mention this because I'm thinking of all my lovely blog friends over in the US who might be battening down the hatches right now in anticipation of Hurricane Irene arriving. I do hope that the storm is again downgraded before it hits and that you all keep safe over the next 24 hours.

Its a sort of tradition in the UK to moan about the weather but we are lucky that extreme conditions are fairly rare here and I don't ever remember a storm being classed as a hurricane..... correct me if I'm wrong and you have had experience of a hurricane in your neighbourhood!

The heavy showers carried on today and did keep the number of visitors to our craft fair down. However I was pleased with the comments I got on my stall, though cross with myself for forgetting my camera to record what I took and what sold. Here are some of the gift tags I did remember to photograph before leaving home. I sold them all and so much enjoyed making them it won't be any hardship to make more for next time.
Yes - you should have taken photo's!! But I'll let you off because we got to see these gorgeous tags before they all understandably went :)
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the exact same thing about us being fortunate not to experience the extreme elements of nature....imagine always having the threat of earthquakes, hurricanes etc. *shudder* Doesn't mean I'll stop moaning about the British weather - that's an institution in itself lol....think we had 3 of the 4 seasons all in one day yesterday!
What a pity that there were not so many visitors. But of course you sold your gift tags. They are so lovely Ann and so well made . Hope, next time weather will coorporate!!!