Although the long range forecast for this week said rain, rain, rain, today started warm and sunny, so I thought I would take my favourite walk - in case it does turn wet for the rest of the week. Would you like to come too? The footpath starts through this field. In a month or so I will be able to pick sloes in the hedgerow to make my Sloe Gin for Christmas.

Through the gateway and into the next field which has been left to grass this year. I've often picked up bits of broken pottery in this field and wondered why there was so much of it. A TV programme on
Victorian farming methods gave me the answer earlier this year - the contents of household middens (rubbish heaps) was a valuable resource and collected to spread on the surrounding fields as a fertiliser - including the bits of broken pottery and china.

I climb over the stile into the next field. There are lots of rabbit holes along the hedgerows here but all I see are white bobtails disappearing into their burrows. I wonder who lives here!
The next stile gets me back onto the road but as the sun is still out I decide to take another path down the farm track.
When my son was small we would come down here to play by the stream.

Although its late in the year there are still many wild plants in flower down here for the bees and butterflies.....

......... though I've only seen Gatekeepers today.

But its getting near teatime now and the sky is starting to cloud over so I decide not to disturb the sheep in the next field and turn for home......

..... passing this wonderful Monkey Puzzle tree and on into town.

Flipping heck I haven't blogged this many photos before. If you've managed to get to the end of this post I congratulate you and hope you enjoyed seeing my bit of Wales and my walk - I did!
I'm trying to post every day this week and this was supposed to be Tuesday's post but I've gone into Wednesday now! Hope to post again today - in daylight!