The wonderful
Steph has given me this yummy award - my very first - and as I've never done this before, I hope I'm doing it right. The rules for receiving this award are:
1. Thank the person that passed it to you -
thank you so much Steph - you always boost my confidence with your lovely comments.
2. Copy award to your blog - done that.
3. List three things you love about yourself - mmm not easy! I seem to have fairly green fingers; I've been creative for almost 60 years, and I strive to be thrifty now I'm a hard up pensioner - though its hard to resist adding to my every growing crafty stash!
4. Post a picture that you love to your blog - easy to do though not so easy to choose but, at the risk of being boring, I love this photo of my Mum and Dad taken either just before or just after their marriage in 1947. Mum looks so glamorous with her long red hair and Dad so handsome. A year later I came along and then three more sisters so they weren't that carefree young couple for long!
5. Pass the award onto 5 others - there are so many lovely bloggers out there that its quite hard to choose but I hope these 5 lovely ladies will not mind me passing it on to them:
Anja (for beautiful photography plus inspiring sewing and crochet);
Lin (a prolific creator of gorgeous cards, a glimpse of Ohio and just look at those quilted flower pins this week);
Linby (for some managing to create some lovely craftiness whilst at the same time studying for her MBA - don't know how you managed it Lynn!);
Baukje (beautiful needlecrafts and wonderful images of rural France); and
Emma (a fellow Welsh crafter - there aren't many of us Emma and you are one of the best!).

Steph also passed on this award where I have to name 10 things I like - this will be easier! My family and friends, crafting, gardening, reading, cooking, Wales, history, photography, my one remaining cat, and the beauty of Mother Nature.
I have to say this image couldn't be further from my own image of myself! I hate high heels, never wear makeup, and hardly ever dress up! Love that little bird stamp though.