Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Christmas 1933

Firstly, I would like to thank Godelieve for sharing her lovely Christmas banner with everyone this year.  I always admire her seasonal banners but never get around to making one myself.  Its gorgeous Godelieve and I'm proud to have it on my blog this Christmas.

And now for more inspiration from Christmas past.  Here's another lovely Bird's Custard advertisement - this time from the December 1933 issue of Needlewoman magazine.  Unfortunately the cover of the mag is completely destroyed so I can't show you it here, but you might like some of the Christmas gift projects.

I really like this crochet book cover and think it would make a lovely present for a book lover.  As always if you right click on the image, open in a new tab and then enlarge you can read the pattern or save and print the page.

And what do you think of these knitted toys?  The Jack and Jill dolls are very sweet, though a simpler embroidered face would be more appealing today.  Knitted doll's clothes and rabbits are always popular and timeless gifts for little ones - but Bill the Lizard looks more like a crocodile to me!  I love little green Esau - I'm just not quite sure what kind of an animal he's supposed to be!

There are a few nice little cross stitch charts - motifs that have been used to make calendars for 1934.  Two very 30s sailing ships, a silhouette of a crinoline lady at a spinning wheel and two trees (below).  The funny little chart for the bookends is rather cute too.  If you fancy any of the charts or knitting patterns let me know and I'll send you a scan.

And here's another very stylish crochet gift.  I know tobacco pouches are a very niche gift in the 21st century but you might still have a tobacco smoking Grandad.  My Dad was a pipe smoker and on the very rare occasion a whiff of pipe smoke floats by I feel Dad must be just around the corner and I could catch up with him if I could get there fast enough!

And of course it would make a very nice change/makeup/bits and bobs purse.


  1. I collect those lovely magazines
    I haven't got that copy though
    Julie xxxxxx

  2. Looks like you have a wonderful collection of books and magazines. Treasures!
    Thanks for putting my Christmas banner on your blog, and for linking back.

    Happy Holidays!

  3. Those vintage magazines are worth collecting them. i always love your blogposts about them!!


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment - its hugely appreciated. Ann :o)


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