Monday, 31 December 2012
December - and goodbye 2012
Here it is - December, my last digital collage for 2012. Its been rather a self indulgent project but looking back through the months it is nice to remember those odd moments when I've pulled out my camera to take a snapshot of something that has caught my eye. And of course I want to remember things I've made for future reference.
Happy New Year to you all and if you are celebrating tonight enjoy yourselves - I'll be wending my way to bed with my cats, my hot water bottle and my new Kindle - honest!
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Christmas 1968 - and Merry Christmas!
A Very Happy Christmas to all my blog friends - I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and a very Merry New Year!

In this issue, as well as fashion and make-up advice for looking your very best for the festive party season, ideas for presents, romantic stories and yes, hints on how to get your man, inside there was even a papercrafting gift. I've had a go at making the man-you-want-for Christmas paper mobile but I was doing it late at night and in a hurry (as always!) so its not perfect. Perhaps you can do better.
Four 60s favourite men are gifted here - Dustin Hoffman, Donovan, Michael Cane and Christopher Jones. You've seen these optical mobiles before I'm sure. Just print out on copypaper, cut out, stick back to back and score zig-zag style - I used my score board.
There are another four pin-up men on another page and if one happens to be your vintage favourite I can scan it if you wish to have him hanging over your bed or laptop - Hywell Bennett, David Hemmings, Terence Stamp and Steve McQueen.
There are even some paper dolls dressed of course in the height of 60s fashion - here are two: Gypsy Rose Raver and Jenny Jones Harlow! Oh happy memories of my youth. I seem to remember I even enjoyed the odd Christmas party or two in 1968 - I was just 20 years old and compared to girls of the same age today, very naive, but I think we all were unless you shared a flat in "Swinging 60s London" - something we all aspired to! But of course it was just fantasy.
I hope you've enjoyed my glimpses of Christmases past. I'd like to thank all my faithful blogger band for encouraging me in my ramblings during 2012. Here's to a Healthy, Peaceful and Happy 2013!
Friday, 21 December 2012
December in the Garden
It's a while since I've managed to see the garden in daylight but one day last week I had to visit my Mum in the early(ish) morning and managed a wander with my camera. The sun was still low in the sky and the brilliant Hawthorn berries (we call them haws) were lit like Christmas lights.
I was in luck too - although the sun was shining most of the garden was still covered in picturesque frost. Sometimes the bottom of the garden stays frozen all day as its in deep shadow at this time of year.
However my spiky mahonia is covered in sunshine yellow flowers (which I never normally get to see), and I'm glad I didn't pull it out as punishment for scratching my arms and legs all summer when I passed by unwarily.
As you can see, my Romanian willow arch has been woefully neglected for a couple of years and I really do have to cut it back in the spring before it's leaves start growing - I never like cutting off branches and boughs that are showing buds.
And don't you think this little shrub would be perfect for creating a Christmas arrangement - red stems, dark green leaves and white snowball berries. I'm not sure what it is - the label went missing a long time ago. It could possibly be a Pernettya (according to Google).
But I do know what these beautiful seedheads are - my Clematis Bill Mackenzie has run riot but its only in winter, when the leaves of the little birch tree have fallen that you can see just how far it has rambled away from its original frame.
Those fluffy seedheads could easily be taken for little lanterns in the gloom of late afternoon - if I could get to see them.
The last few days have been miserable, dark and wet and I may not see
the garden in sunshine again until the New Year so I'm glad
I was able to record its decaying beauty before it all springs to life
again in 2013.
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Christmas 1933
Firstly, I would like to thank Godelieve for sharing her lovely Christmas banner
with everyone this year. I always admire her seasonal banners but
never get around to making one myself. Its gorgeous Godelieve and I'm proud to have it on my blog this Christmas.
And now for more inspiration from Christmas past. Here's another lovely Bird's Custard advertisement - this time from the December 1933 issue of Needlewoman magazine. Unfortunately the cover of the mag is completely destroyed so I can't show you it here, but you might like some of the Christmas gift projects.
I really like this crochet book cover and think it would make a lovely present for a book lover. As always if you right click on the image, open in a new tab and then enlarge you can read the pattern or save and print the page.
And what do you think of these knitted toys? The Jack and Jill dolls are very sweet, though a simpler embroidered face would be more appealing today. Knitted doll's clothes and rabbits are always popular and timeless gifts for little ones - but Bill the Lizard looks more like a crocodile to me! I love little green Esau - I'm just not quite sure what kind of an animal he's supposed to be!
There are a few nice little cross stitch charts - motifs that have been used to make calendars for 1934. Two very 30s sailing ships, a silhouette of a crinoline lady at a spinning wheel and two trees (below). The funny little chart for the bookends is rather cute too. If you fancy any of the charts or knitting patterns let me know and I'll send you a scan.
And here's another very stylish crochet gift. I know tobacco pouches are a very niche gift in the 21st century but you might still have a tobacco smoking Grandad. My Dad was a pipe smoker and on the very rare occasion a whiff of pipe smoke floats by I feel Dad must be just around the corner and I could catch up with him if I could get there fast enough!
And of course it would make a very nice change/makeup/bits and bobs purse.
Monday, 17 December 2012
I have been busy - honest!
The last craft fair of the season happened on Saturday - it was a quiet affair! But although there weren't many customers I enjoyed the friendliness of the other stall holders and the lovely ladies in the kitchen who provided us with some delicious homemade pumpkin soup and numerous cups of tea to warm us up.
As always I saw the dawn the night before finishing things off and made more than enough Christmassy things that I'll now be putting away until next year.
I didn't sell any Christmassy hair clips or crochet snowflakes - items that went really well at the last fair - so you never can tell what will be popular. I'm already starting to think about ideas for springtime Eastery projects.
But before that there are the family's Christmas gifts to get finished! I glutton for punishment you might think - and you'd be right!
Friday, 7 December 2012
Christmas 1946
Fellow crafters! You know how it is at this time of year - so much to create, so little time! And what you do create you can't share on line as its secret until 25th December. I'm busy getting ready for another craft fair on 15th too. I'm aiming to really get down to my family and friends' gifts after that - but only 10 days! I'm definitely in panic mood - but hey, what's new, I kind of like it that way. It wouldn't be Christmas without a few all-night crafting sessions!
But what to blog about? I thought I'd share some of my old magazine collection again over the next couple of weeks. The first is this edition of My Home magazine from December 1946. In the UK wartime rationing was even tighter during the years following the declaration of peace so it was another "Make Do & Mend" Christmas for all. I can imagine that home was where everyone wanted to be, with family and friends and thoughts of those lost held close.
Turning the pages of old magazines really does bring the past alive for me. I love reading the stories, finding crafty ideas and patterns, even following the recipes on occasion. I love the adverts too. Here are two products I still use every week and we always have a tin of Quality Street chocolates to dip into on Christmas day. That distinctive tin is a tradition in our family and in many other families too I'm sure - though perhaps its not so much of a once a year special treat as it was when I was a little girl!
And if you want to see these pages up close right click on the image, from the drop down menu pick open link in new tab, click on the new tab and then you can zoom in.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Remember November
And I've an update on the little bridge I reported on in my last post too. I did go back the next day and it was still there. I couldn't get up close as the field had been closed off by the council so I took the photo from the road. As you can see the water level had dropped considerably in just 24 hours but I suppose we'll have to wait and see if its still possible to cross the river safely.
Oh, and just one more thing - can anyone tell me how to dissuade my cat from chewing my knitting needles! Yes, I know I could just move them from the windowsill, but I like to see them there - and so does Jess too!
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